t0day m0ves super fast.
its aftern0on ody woo.. .
i fnish the fluid test a few h0urs ag0 wif d0zens regrets. huaaa
i saw the fuckin tut0rial questi0ns but i din try t0 study it pr0perly.
n then i end up scribbling n0nsense on the test paper.
tuuutttt urself fi0una.
muahahhaaaa. sengaja m0k cari pasal.
ada masa mau blajar k0 bj0li plakkk. kn dah kena. .
ahahaaa. .
later goin for an0tha LK diskusi0n. huhu.
we're inventing a f0ldable bicycle. . haha.
h0w ow? dunn0 la. c later wat the 0ther's punya idea. huhuu.
hey did i menti0n bout my dream tis m0rnin?
its freakin me 0ut. i dreamt b0ut a malaysian vampire (p0ntianak).
wuuaaaa~ the face memang scary gila. the stupidest part of the dream is tat i called her IBU!!
wat the fuck?! i din n0e how the hell i cn call a fuckin scary vampire ibu. . huhuu.
yg x bleh blah lg i cried gila babeng. its like pe0ple ar0und me tryin to seperate me fr0m her n i pr0tested really hard. wh00oaa~ memang la tat dream. realy scary oww..
cubalah edward cullen yg jd vampire kan best. xda ngeri sgt. lagi ak suka adala. ehehee. seri0usly xda ka a guy like him exist in tis w0rld? y cant he be real. .huhuu.
oit st0p the crap la bulan. xlamak lg m0k final ko gk m0k pkir bnda2 b0doh. dahla~ cut cut cut!!
d0w. ngant0k la. ku td0 2 jam jk td oww. ahaaa. sndri cari pasal .. naseb baik ada nescafe. hihii. thnks nescafe. weee~~
emm chaow la. hehe. th0ugh i din d0 well f0r the test just n0w but t0day is n0t tat bad f0r me. its just as l0vely as i wanted it t0 b. ekekee~x0xo

ch0p2. bagi ak c0mment sket pasal qu0te kat atas nie. GUYS & GIRLS, please ar if sumbody is making u as 0ne of the opti0ns , be glad to just f0rget HER/HIM ok. . penat2 ko harapkn dia , dia bukan nak ko bet0l2. apa yg penting ur heart jgn kena hurt n ur future xhancur. kay?? i believe k0rg pernah juak la kn terkena . ak pn a few times terkena tp we learn fr0m experience la ba kan?
even now im still tryin t0 c0ntrol my heart. dun get excited tat much 0n sumtink virtual. sumtyms it blinds u. cheee~ berfalsafah p0k. .
if u tink im wr0ng, just f0rget the ab0ve statements kay? hahaa.