
my z0mbie week

its been awhile huh? hehe. yep, last week was a blast 0ne. it made me a z0mbie. . yep, no j0ke.. my eyes were in dark circles. . pale face (they said). xpecialy the lips part (due t0 lack of h20 intake) n weak b0dy. haha. my bed is my bag. b00ks , lappie , n 0l those stuff were all on it. sumtimes i slept wif em. hahaa. i better get used t0 it. kay u wanna n0e wat made me a z0mbie last week? let me sh0w ya...

my drawin pr0ject.
its uhmm an equipment i created t0 dry cl0thes wif0ut w0rrying b0ut the weather. k, let me xplain alil bit. when ure away fr0m home n its rainin, the cl0thes tat ure dryin 0utside get wet. s0 here i created an ampaian tat wud c0ver ur cl0thes when its g0in to rain.

h0w cud tat p0ssibly be? haha. kay, do u n0tice tat big semisphere on the t0p of tat thing. i call it the CAP. it functi0ns as the top c0ver as well as a heat abs0rber tat wud trap m0re sunlite to quicken the dryin pr0cess of cl0thes. emm, im n0t sure wether tis is a gud idea but i h0pe it wud help.

and do u n0tice the ring circling the cap? emm tats the m0st important part of this device. tat RING c0nsists of high quality plastic c0ver tat wud c0ver the cl0thes when the rain hits. but h0w does ot work? xtualy behind the plastic c0ver, i attached a temperature detector tat wud detect any temperature dr0p (means its goin to rain) and this wud initiate the mechanism t0 roll d0wn the cover t0 protect ur cl0thes. when the rain st0ps n the temperature rise again, it wud r0ll back the c0ver to its initial state. t0 make it more convenient, i dun use any electricity energy t0 w0rk the thing 0ut. instead i use s0lar energy cause its cheap, easy n renewable. hehe.

but, my lecturer, mr nazeri asked a gud questi0n, how if the situation is durin hujan panas. means its hujan but the temperature is at n0rmal. the detector w0nt detect anythin rite. i startled a lil while. of c0urse i cudnt ans it. s0 he suggested t0 me to put a bar0meter instead of the detect0r bcz a bar0meter can dtect if its g0na rain an0t. s0, even tho the temp is at n0rmal, the bar0meter wil stil detect the rain. hahaa. i din even think b0ut tat b4. huhu.

but then i tink its pretty much gud. cus i 0nly took 2 nytes to finish the wh0le crap. haha. but dunn0 wats sir's 0pinion. he has a very high taste n im not sure wther mine wud b up to his expectati0n an0t. but im hoping. h0ho. so wat do u tink?

well. u seld0m see me cum up wif such idea (f0r me its brilliant cuz im always the NON-CREATIVE type of person).haha.

watever it is. . im 99.99% satisfied .

*my face b4 the presentati0n*
*i n0e.. lameeee..huhu*

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