pheww~ wat a weekend i had a few days ag0. wahahaa. i din do much xtualy but i felt gud.. hehe
kay . . maybe the first reas0n is bcuz everytink is 0ver. i mean, all the pr0jects, assignments blablabla.. ter's 0nly 0ne tink to go thru m0re .. final. huhuu~ nyway, at least ive been thru 3/4 of the wh0le sem thingi.. thnk god for that. eheee. n last saturday, i hibernated half of the day. haha. i din care bout anytink else except f0r sleeping n 0nly woke up to eat. heheee~ really pemalas kan? biasala ank muda zaman skrg.. hahaa. then on sunday pulak, i went 0ut wif ammai. he came f0r a c0nvensyen at rajah c0urt. he'l be staying here f0r about 3 days if m n0t mistaken. he n uncle janong brought me t0 the spring. i pikir dapatla ammai teman i g sh0pping kan? tp tuptup dia nk pergi rec0lor hair dia pulak dah.. haisshhh~ paksa la i jln s0rg2 for afew h0urs.. huaaaaaa~
nyways, pap0n, hasil jln sorg2 tu ive got to buy 2 t0ps . hehe. chnce dah ada, apa lagik. pa0w la~ hihiiii.. if ulau ada ryt n0w jgn hrapla ammai m0k bg $$ to me. ulau dah awl2 minta. hahaaa. but then one n0t so good thing happened to me was i had a really bad headache pulak tat day. veryy pain. . i tink ammai n0ticed but i tried to hide it. i rasa mcm nk pejam jak mata tym jln2 tuh. . huahuaa..
but 0verall it was a great day. i balek i terus terjun katil. releasing my pain in the head. hahaa.
seri0usly la. x habes2 dgn sakit palak ni. hentak dinding baru tauuww..
emm~ kayla. chaow. . . ^^
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