this is me. this ph0to was taken a few m0nths ag0 , back when i was still in kml.. ngeee.
i was kn0wn as the 'black c0lour addict' tat tym.. tgk la.. haha.. everytink 0n me was black..
i was kn0wn as the 'black c0lour addict' tat tym.. tgk la.. haha.. everytink 0n me was black..

the 0ldest pic i hv in my drive.. wawawa.. taken when i was in f0rm 3.. the tw0 pretty lass were my best buddies.. jas (centre) aka jess0d =D.. and chin (spiky hair) aka chin0t.. haha.. b0th r different in pers0nality but they've t0t me a l0t (al0t includes gud as well as the bad things.. haha)
ni la geng keras i kat high sk00l.. since we're classmates n we're s0 ciput so we were cl0sed wif each 0ther.. n we hv 0ur business partners, the art class.. we're like br0thers n sisters.. hehee.
this is the seni0r batch 0f 07.. was taken 0n the graduati0n nyt .. haha.. everytink came 0ut tat nyt.. the mem0ries.. the tears .. the feelings .. ahaha.. nice..

taken when i was in f0rm 4. . at the b0ttom, is bai, my ex r0omate aka my angel.. ahaha. . and 0n top 0f her is sha ( my sweet 'devil') =D h0ho. yg kat bwh ak pulak feli ( my little 'devil') ehehehe.. u n0e y tey r my devils? hahaah.. cuz they've t0t me a l0t of n0ty yet fun stuff.. ahaha.
kay. these r my gals.. ehehe. kt0rg stay 1 fl0or. d0 tinks t0gtha. suma pun t0gtha2.. wuhuu!!
taken when i was in f0rm 4. . at the b0ttom, is bai, my ex r0omate aka my angel.. ahaha. . and 0n top 0f her is sha ( my sweet 'devil') =D h0ho. yg kat bwh ak pulak feli ( my little 'devil') ehehehe.. u n0e y tey r my devils? hahaah.. cuz they've t0t me a l0t of n0ty yet fun stuff.. ahaha.
kay. these r my gals.. ehehe. kt0rg stay 1 fl0or. d0 tinks t0gtha. suma pun t0gtha2.. wuhuu!!
ter r pe0ple tat i havent menti0ned here.. my buddies 03-05.. wani .. shah .. sharah .. ain .. dini .. lily ..kelly n hani ( m0ved 0ut after 1 year..) sapa lg eyk?? eemm.. the guys, sapek .. nazwan .. aiman .. zaki .. shafiq .. n ter r sum m0re.. i'm s0rry if i didnt menti0n it.. huuu. i l0st pix 0f
th0se years. lgpun tym tu i bl0m ada kamera dgtal lg. masih guna yg filem pnya.. kikiki =p
th0se years. lgpun tym tu i bl0m ada kamera dgtal lg. masih guna yg filem pnya.. kikiki =p
n tis red lil missy is jani.. fr0m vietnam .. a gal wh0's inside is t0tally diff fr0m outsyd.. u may see her as a rich gal hu dun care b0ut things (tats xtualy my 1st impressi0n of hr.. hheee) but she's 360 degrees diff fr0m tat.. she cares ab0ut peps, she sppreciates pe0ple.. hoho
tats briefly b0ut my high sk0ol buddies..

hhaaha. tis 0ne pulak my tut0rmate d matrik .. ngeee. tp stil g0t afew yg missin dlm pic. h0ho..
1 w0rd to describe us.. sekepalak! ahahaa.. F2T11..

tis 0ne plak my church genk.. asal sunday je nmpk kt0rg f0rm tis grup. ngee. p arie biasa we lain2 genk.. kikiki..

haha. lya n ruth were my 1st frens in kml.. wif0ut em i'd b dead .. uhuuu.. at 1st we met regularly bt after gettin bz f0r l0tsa things, we dcided to hv 'weekly date' at any cafe on friday n0on. heee. all d g0ssips, news, n 0thas shud b shared am0ng 3 of us tym lunch tu.. hikhik.

sha .. al .. jec .. my angels in the class. whn we're t0gther we din care wat people would say b0ut us.. we did thing drastically. seri0us. haha. bt thn we nj0y evry m0ment bein 2gtha. hugs, kisses, laughs .. haiz..

n lastly these r my rumates.. heee. kak lisa .. ijat .. n pat.. yg sorg tu kira half r0omate la.. heehe. mijat. the r0om's bestfren. she's cl0se t0 all of us.. we wre like sisters livin t0gtha. haha. all wif different attitudes . ngee. but then, we l0ve each 0tha..
i l0ve my frens veryy much!!
tats briefly b0ut my high sk0ol buddies..

hhaaha. tis 0ne pulak my tut0rmate d matrik .. ngeee. tp stil g0t afew yg missin dlm pic. h0ho..
1 w0rd to describe us.. sekepalak! ahahaa.. F2T11..

tis 0ne plak my church genk.. asal sunday je nmpk kt0rg f0rm tis grup. ngee. p arie biasa we lain2 genk.. kikiki..

haha. lya n ruth were my 1st frens in kml.. wif0ut em i'd b dead .. uhuuu.. at 1st we met regularly bt after gettin bz f0r l0tsa things, we dcided to hv 'weekly date' at any cafe on friday n0on. heee. all d g0ssips, news, n 0thas shud b shared am0ng 3 of us tym lunch tu.. hikhik.
sha .. al .. jec .. my angels in the class. whn we're t0gther we din care wat people would say b0ut us.. we did thing drastically. seri0us. haha. bt thn we nj0y evry m0ment bein 2gtha. hugs, kisses, laughs .. haiz..
n lastly these r my rumates.. heee. kak lisa .. ijat .. n pat.. yg sorg tu kira half r0omate la.. heehe. mijat. the r0om's bestfren. she's cl0se t0 all of us.. we wre like sisters livin t0gtha. haha. all wif different attitudes . ngee. but then, we l0ve each 0tha..
i l0ve my frens veryy much!!
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