
c0ffee aka k0pi sedapnya minum k0pee it's w0rld's fav0urite drink it's like heaven nyyuuumm~~ wif0ut it .. i feel diffrent.. weak .. sleepy .. inc0mplete .. am i 0ne of the addicts??
the 0rigin : ethi0pia
c0lor : emm .. br0wn..
th0ugh my usual c0ffee wud b the instant 0ne, but havin the taste 0f it is enuf t0 make my day energized .. ma buddies t0ld me it's x gud f0r my health but my b0dy cudnt resists it.. wuaaaa... it's like a piece 0f cigarrate ..
but when the time c0mes.. i will st0p takin it f0r awhile.. it is xtually , seri0usly bad f0r health.. its x bcuz 0f the c0ffee but the caffeine in it.. h0hoh0..
but c0ffee is still the best.. yes ..
the 0rigin : ethi0pia
c0lor : emm .. br0wn..
th0ugh my usual c0ffee wud b the instant 0ne, but havin the taste 0f it is enuf t0 make my day energized .. ma buddies t0ld me it's x gud f0r my health but my b0dy cudnt resists it.. wuaaaa... it's like a piece 0f cigarrate ..
but when the time c0mes.. i will st0p takin it f0r awhile.. it is xtually , seri0usly bad f0r health.. its x bcuz 0f the c0ffee but the caffeine in it.. h0hoh0..
but c0ffee is still the best.. yes ..
"black as the devil, h0t as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love" the recipe 0f c0ffee acc0rdin t0 Talleyrand (1754-1838).
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