today, stpm result wud be out. hemmm, i hope ayak, ungan and my other stpm frens wud get great rsults. hopefully better than me. hohoo.
i heard ayak n ungan want to apply for teachers. they had apply for UPSI and i heard ayak wants to try USM too. i pray so that they cud get watever they want. . hopefully there wont be any disappointment like wat i've been through before. huhuu. some people might think i'm still a smart , intelligent student like what i used to be. but then, time can change people. that's what happened to me. at least, that's what i think happened to me. huhuu
but then i'm not saying that i'm giving up. i'll try my best to do better especially in my academics.
cuz i'm no pretty. i'm no attractive.
but then i hope people cud see me for my brain n my inside. that's wat i'm always trying to polish up. at least people wont look me down just because i dun have the look.
hohooo. and yeah, as for my friends. i hope they can achieve watever their dreams are.
cuz we came from the average families. we are neither more nor less than other families. so it's like our families really depend on us to chnge things a bit. so that our situation wont fall into the less families. im not saying that we are not being thankful for what we have now. i think our condition now is already enough for us to survive. but of course we want to have sumthing better rite. at least, next time, i want to see my parents goyang kaki and every month just receive money from me like what i do now. heheee
i think all of us think of the same thing right?
and i believe that's what my frens think too. tats y i hope that those stpm frens of mine cud get great results and get great uni and achieve their dreams. .
and as for me i'm goin to continue this journey. though i used to fall a bit last time and my path is actually a bit out from what i've always planned, but i noe, as long as i'm not giving up continuing this(since it's also directing to the same destination), i'm going to be there soon. in God's blessing. i believe nothing is impossible ..
isnt it?
and as always, i hope my Father will always bless me and this journey of mine.

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